One of articles written by Chambers Yang was published in the book Cash to Plastic: Issues and Perspectives, one of the ICFAI Books

The article "Electronic Money and Relevant Legal and Regulatory Issues" describes the legal implications of using plastic for payments as well as the regulatory framework for e-money with detailed discussion about the regulation of e-money in the UK as well as PayPal, or electronic money transfer services to anyone who has a valid e-mail account.

The Icfai University represents the multi-state network of universities in India, sponsored by the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India.

Icfai Books is the initiative of the Icfai University Press to publish a series of professional books in the areas of accounting, banking, insurance, finance, marketing, operations, HRM, IT, management and allied areas with a special focus on emerging and frontier themes. These books seek to provide, at one place, a retrospective as well as prospective view of the contemporary developments in the environment, with emphasis on general and specialized branches of knowledge and applications. These professional books are based on relevant, authoritative and thought-provoking articles written by experts and published in leading professional magazines and research journals.

One of articles written by Chambers Yang was published in the book Cash to Plastic: Issues and Perspectives, one of the ICFAI Books - 法律桥-上海杨春宝一级律师

最后编辑于:2018-09-01 10:16
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