List of Media which have ever interviewed Mr. Chambers Yang


  • 21st Century Business Herald (theme: Anti-monopoly and Anti-unfair competition, Abuse of Intellectual Property and Anti-monopoly, Foreign Investment in Commercial Fields, Primary Land Market, and Legal Issues on Dumping at Low Price);
  • Beijing Morning Post (theme: Trademark Disputes and Well-Known Trademark Recognition);
  • China Business Journal (theme: Independent Director System);
  • China Daily (theme: on the Trademark Infringement Proceedings);
  • China Economic Times (theme: Oversea M&A of Chinese Banks, Judicial Interpretations on the Company Law, and Anti-monopoly Review);
  • IT Times (theme: Copyright Protection in the Wireless Access to the Internet);
  • Job Market News (theme: Laws Facilitating Innovative Undertaking, Commercial Credit and Social Credibility);
  • Legal Service Times (feature: talking about the development of Chinese lawyer trade, practice experience and judicial interpretations on the Company Law);
  • National Business Daily (theme: the Draft of the Property Law, and Anti-monopoly Examination);
  • Oriental Morning Post (theme: Legal Issues on the Lawsuit of Gehoo Broadband);
  • Real Estate News Magazine (theme: Auction of the Stock of Housing and the Transfer of Construction in Process);
  • Securities Daily (theme: M&A Implementation in the Procedure of Bankruptcy);
  • Shanghai Business Daily (theme: Pre-sale of the Commodity Housing);
  • Shanghai Morning Post (theme: Cyber Manhunt);
  • Shanghai Securities News (theme: the Special Purpose Company and the Record of Franchise);
  • Shanghai Weekly (theme: Houses Constructed on the Collectively-owned Land);
  • The Central People's Broadcasting Station (Live Broadcast: the Public Service Advertisement and the Public Policy);
  • The Oriental Broadcasting Station (Broadcasts titled the Oriental Lawyers and the Real Estate 2:30 p.m.);


  • Bloomberg TV (Live Broadcast: Intellectual Property Protection in China);

  • Hong Kong Asian TV (theme: Anti-monopoly Law);

  • Hong Kong Global Business Review (theme: Patent Proceedings); and

  • Securities Industry News (theme: the Sino-American Memorandum of Securities Regulation);

  • The New York Times (theme: Young Lawyer's Practice Experience);

  • The Wall Street Journal (theme: Foreign Investment in Telecommunications)


最后编辑于:2018-08-31 22:30
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